How to Know It’s Time to Get Outsourced Marketing Services

how to know it's time to get outsourced marketing services

The days of renting billboard space or taking out an advertisement in the local newspaper are long gone as far as effective marketing go. And while an inflatable tube man or a sign spinner standing on the corner might be kitschy and fun, there is a whole lot more that goes into effective marketing in 2023.

Let’s face it the world has changed dramatically over the last five years and so has marketing. Today’s business landscape entails being found quickly on smartphones, tablets, and laptops. You need long-term influencer-brand relationships, user-generated content, new targeting solutions, live streaming and video based content, cohesive customer experiences, improved user experience across devices, SEO, PPC, MPO, SMO, and OMG!

Okay, take a breath. What you need is outsourced marketing services.

The bottom line?

By outsourcing marketing, businesses can benefit from the expertise and resources of external specialists without having to hire a full-time marketing team. This can help companies save time and money while still achieving their marketing goals.

Here are seven key reasons why you should be using outsourced marketing.

save time

1. Save Time

If you’re like most small businesses these days, there never seems to be enough time in the day. You’re spread too thin among production issues, supply chain issues, selling issues and a hundred other things that need attention during your work week. The last thing you have time for is marketing.

And the truth is, good marketing takes time too. Whether you’re brainstorming new content, managing an existing ad campaign, or responding to a social media comment, marketing is a full-time job. That’s why many companies decide to go with outsourced marketing services — their team just doesn’t have the time to do it all and to do it well.

Marketing shouldn’t be an afterthought and it shouldn’t be something you squeeze in when you have a few hours to spare. When you hire outsourced marketing services you get the benefits of having a vertically integrated marketing team representing your brand.

marketing experts to work on your strategies

2. Marketing Experts to Work on Your Strategies

Marketing expertise in 2023 is far different than it was 10 years ago, and even just five years ago. There are far more segmented skills that go into good marketing and when you hire outsourced marketing services, you’ll be getting a group of specialists. Most marketing firms now have digital marketing specialists, social media marketing specialists, and video specialists along with the traditional experts in copywriting, creative design, and web specialists.

If you use outsourced marketing services by hiring a full-service marketing agency like Diedrich RPM, you have access to all of those specialists in one place. You get the expertise of full-time marketers with diverse industry experience.

You will work with a dedicated account manager who is familiar with your sector of the business world and can streamline a smart strategy that uses best practices and the latest tactics to deliver results for your business.

3. Access Advanced Marketing Tools

Using outsourced marketing gives you access to all of the marketing tools your agency has at their disposal.

  • ROI tools that review marketing performance from leads generated to revenue created
  • Determine which strategies work best faster
  • Uncover opportunities for scaling or improving your campaigns

Many companies see the value in using outsourced marketing services because agencies can provide them with a more synchronized strategy with a precise picture of how those strategies perform.


4. Outsourced Marketing will Improve Your Marketing ROI

Outsourcing your marketing will almost surely lead to a higher ROI. With a team of marketing experts behind your campaigns, as well as artificial intelligence technology use by DRPM’s team, your business can drive more traffic, sales, and leads – which happens to be the point of marketing.

5. Outsourced Marketing Allows You to Scale Your Marketing Plan

One of the biggest marketing challenges is always scaling. It’s often difficult to scale a marketing plan with in-house marketing because you need to find, hire, and train new people. Does your company have time for that?

Plus, the more people you bring on obviously increases your marketing costs, which can limit your ability to scale your marketing strategy. With an average marketing staff member costing roughly $60-70,000 a year, that can add up fast. Hiring outsourced marketing services allows you to scale your strategy instantly.

6. Outsourced Marketing Provides a Fresh Perspective on Your Business

Even if you have an in-house marketing team, adding outsourced marketing specialists provides a fresh perspective on your strategies and tactics that can only help. A new account manager and the expert staff they bring allows for fresh ideas on your marketing strategy, tactics, and goals. New insight helps you discover a variety of new ways to improve your marketing campaigns.

7. Minimize Your Overhead

In journalism they call this “burying the lede” – but yes, perhaps the most important takeaway from outsourcing marketing is minimizing cost. If you compare the costs of in-house marketing teams vs. full-service agencies like Diedrich RPM, you’ll find that using outsourced marketing is the more cost effective approach. An in-house marketing staff of just five people would cost in excess of $250,000 a year, where using DRPM would cost just a fraction of that.

More time to run your business, marketing experts who are up to date on all the latest marketing trends, vastly improved marketing ROI, scale marketing strategies, fresh perspectives on your business – and all for less money than an in-house marketing team.

Can you afford to NOT use outsourced marketing?