Have you ever watched one of those fishing shows on tv? The best fishermen are the ones who know the area, have a feel for the lake and they’ve learned the tendencies of when and where the fish like to bite. They’ve done their research!
Do you have a new product? Did you come up with a new service idea? Are you trying to land more sales? If your answer to any of those questions is “yes”, you probably need some marketing. Can you be successful without marketing? Maybe… but word of mouth and referrals can only take you so far. Marketing should be the backbone for driving growth in your business. Unfortunately, marketing is a complex process with a ton of variables and can be difficult to predict without sufficient research.
Do you know what your customers/clients want? Do you know how to reach them in ways they want to be reached? Do you truly know who they are and where they are located? There are a lot of companies that think they have a pretty good handle on the answers to those questions, but too often research reveals otherwise. So if your answer is anything but a solid “absolutely” to the questions above, then read on, the future is here and it’s time to embrace it.
Marketing is a fickle beast most of the time. Some campaigns that look great on paper just don’t work out, and some that you’d never guess would get traction, do. There is no marketing blueprint to success – if there was, wouldn’t everyone use it? Throwing mud at the wall to see what sticks is a terrible way to build a strong foundation, yet seems to be the main practice in today’s market. We have been conditioned to this rigmarole process of trial and error, with companies wasting money on campaigns (and agencies) that don’t work.
But what if there was a better, more educated way to go about it? Well, there is. It’s called research propelled marketing, and it’s what we at DRPM (Diedrich RPM) have practiced for our clients for years.
The Path to Earning an ROI is Paved with Research Propelled Marketing
We begin with primary consumer research – the way Diedrich RPM understands a client’s specific customers and non-customers before even starting to think about a marketing plan. We use our proprietary survey platform to conduct quantitative research (which you probably already know is all about the numbers, or “big data”), or focus groups to conduct qualitative research (detailed feedback and perceptions around a product or service). The more we understand about a client’s audience, the better we can target them; the more information we uncover about an audience, the better equipped we are to successfully reach them with tailored strategic messaging.
During the initial research phase, we uncover a whole host of information on how our client’s customers perceive their new product or service. The beauty of data collection, if done accurately, is the behavioral testing which can be conducted. What people say is not always what they mean, and when you have the right data set, you can test for statistical differences. This means you can see what behavior is actually driving the responses. Having this knowledge allows us to form a more accurate picture of what the respondents are telling us. This provides us with expanded data, which leads to a better marketing campaign and better results for a business.
With the right data in hand, we can develop a marketing plan based on the information we’ve collected that drives the strategy , hence the name, “research propelled marketing”. Now we know how our audience likes to be reached, where they would most likely look for your message and what that message should communicate. On top of that, we learn exactly who our audience is demographically; their age, race, location, gender, lifestyle, income, media preferences and more.
Imagine having all of this information in your hands at the beginning of your marketing campaign – it’s like knowing exactly where the fish are in a given lake! Having all of this information is great, but it is so important to practice the traditional approaches to marketing, like running a pilot campaign to test new concepts; even though research can provide a road map on how to market to your intended audience, validating the research with a pilot campaign will ensure the messaging is on point.
With research as your foundation, you can feel confident your marketing will earn the ROI (Return On Investment) you’ve been hoping for, and that your marketing dollars are driving the right engagement at the right time.
If you would like to know more, or how to get started on your next big project, shoot me an email or give me a call, I know we can help your business grow with RESEARCH PROPELLED MARKETING. After all, it’s smart, it’s proven, it’s what we do.
Mike Fogg – (651) 236-7919 or [email protected]