What Is Google Search Console?

Diedrich RPM Marketing

Google, ITs Search Console, & All Things SEO

The world is full of two kinds of people: those who are organized (and use Google Search Console) and aren’t who those. See what we did there? (That last part wasn’t organized at all.)

Now, we get it, we don’t live in a perfect world and complete organization isn’t for everybody. Most of us probably fall somewhere in-between the messy-desked slob you work next to and the completely anal neighbor down the street who has every drawer in their garage not only labeled, but never even has a bolt slip into the “nail” drawer.

There’s really no argument against the fact that being organized and having everything in the right place helps things work more efficiently and effortlessly.

When it comes to your website and SEO, trust us: You don’t want any nails falling into your bolts drawer. Search engines won’t work in your favor if you don’t follow some simple rules. It’s no mystery that consumers and shoppers of all kinds are turning to Google as one of their first moves these days, so your business isn’t doing itself any favors by not having a nice website that shows up well in Google.

If you are serious about promoting your website and improving the SEO without spending a dime, then Google can help you out. Search Console is a free tool and will help you organize your website, check it for errors, understand the traffic it’s getting, and much more.


Using Google Search Console can help you improve your SEO remarkably and it will also help you look at your website from Google’s perspective. So keeping the host happy is the best way to make your site rank high. Chances are, if you’re not a webmaster yourself, you might goof something up on your website. Not to worry though, Google Search Console will help you fix it.


Google Search Console comes with many different SEO features; you can submit a sitemap and test it to see how many URLs are indexing with Google, or how many of them have errors. You’re also provided with search analytics so it is easy to see which keywords your site is ranking for. Your site may be ranking high for the wrong keywords and using this feature is an easy way to figure out how Google reads your website. You wouldn’t want to have an electric services website that shows up when people are looking for plumbing, correct? That can happen if Google is reading the wrong keywords on your site.

Selecting the preferred domain can also be a key factor in your SEO performance. If you haven’t set up a 301 redirect, you might have two exact websites displaying the same content and this will impact your SEO negatively. If that’s the case, you don’t need to panic, Search Console will also help you figure this out. You can also manage what websites are linking to your site and how much traffic they are driving.


Yes, you should always be worried about your website’s health. Google Search Console can also act as a doctor and check your site for malware and bad URLs such as 404s with just a couple clicks! Google Search Console will tell you how solid your connection to your server is and if the robots are all working correctly. This is a great way to optimize the user experience on your website and to show off your Search Console skills!

If you are not making use of Google Search Console, then you should start doing so now.

Search Console is a goldmine for your SEO and marketing efforts and can help you improve your site’s effectiveness with just a few clicks. The best part about Search Console is that you don’t need any programming skills to start using it.

As we said off the top, whether you’re organized or not, paying just a little bit of attention to your website will help your business in a lot of different ways. Nobody wants to find nails in the bolts drawer!

Posted in SEO