Gain a Better Understanding of How Your School District Ranks
What it Entails
School district analysis involves exhaustive research into a particular district to gain an understanding of how it is perceived by a variety of entities, including administrators, teachers, parents, students, and more. An analysis includes learning district satisfaction scores and how it compares to other school districts.
How It Works
After working closely with school district representatives, DRPM develops a research design, including a customized survey designed to gain insights on how the district is viewed by administrators, teachers, parents, and the district at large.
Why You Need It
An in-depth school district analysis gives you a key foundation to understand your industry position, to identify areas of improvement, and to build a better marketing strategy based on research. By administering qualitative open-textbox questions, you can gain valuable feedback from parents and identify what activities, programs, sports, etc. that students find important. Analysis allows you to find out why parents are open enrolling outside of your district, why more aren’t enrolling in your district, and what opportunities are available when it comes to new programs, after-school activities, etc.
- A key foundation to understand your industry position
- Understand your school district and how it is perceived
- Helps you understand your parent base – what they think
- Compare against other school districts – how you rank amongst your peers
- Find out district satisfaction scores
- Identify areas of improvement
- Gain valuable feedback from parents – qualitative open textbox questions
- Measure satisfaction scores
- See gaps in what is important and measure how well that importance is being served
- Identify what activities, programs, sports, etc. that students find important
- Why are parents open enrolling outside your district
- Why are parents not enrolling in your district
- What opportunities are available – new programs, after school activities, etc.